Wednesday 13 February 2013

Home Alone...

I was supposed to update this yesterday but I never got the chance.

Yesterday was Pancake Tuesday and Mya was so excited to make pancakes that for the first time ever she wasn't excited about going to school. I don't mean to judge but I am not one of those parents who who let their child take the day off just because they don't want to go to school although I know people who would. Unless she has a fever or vomiting or looks genuinely ill Mya will be in school.

Colm left on Sunday night and it's been pretty lonely without him. Mya is at school and after school she usually comes home, has a snack, does her homework and then she is allowed to play for a while before it's tea time then she has time to watch the bedtime hour on Cbeebies before brushing her teeth and having a story read and then lights out before 7.15pm.

Sienna is still at the stage where her day mainly consists of eating, filling her nappy, and sleeping. She is becoming somewhat of a mummies girl and is starting to make strange with everyone so I try not to handle her too much. I still play with her and nurse her but she no longer gets to fall asleep in my arms.

So I am pretty much spending my time cleaning or reading. I have taken into the Harry Potter books again and I am a pretty fast reader. Yesterday evening I started reading the Philosopher's Stone and by 11.30pm last night I was done. Today I'm onto The Chamber of Secrets.

I can't wait til Saturday morning when Colm comes home so I have someone to talk to. Tomorrow will be depressing - it will my first Valentine's Day alone in 10 years. Mya is missing her dad so much and she is counting down the days til he is home again.

So back to pancake day. I was rather bored yesterday so I decided rather than sit at home just me and Sienna I went over to my mums and after I collected Mya from school we ended up staying in my mums for dinner that evening and I am so glad we did. My mum makes the best pancakes ever!! I am awful at it so I'm glad Mya got to see how they should turn out.

I think I ate my body weight in carbs yesterday but it was worth it. Pancakes with fresh cream, grapes and blueberries, syrup, sugar and lemon (not all together btw). Yummmmm!!

Sienna the past few nights has been waking up at about 3 in the morning looking fed. This was a baby who after about 4 weeks was sleeping all night. I was at my wits end as when she woke up she was also waking Mya up who would then look like she was out partying all night the next day.

So on the phone to Colm on Monday night he suggested I put a pillow in her cot under her to prop up her head. We did this a few weeks back when he had a bad cold and a cough and it worked a treat so I thought I would test it out again.

She still woke up at about 3.30am but I simply put her dummy in her mouth and she fell right back asleep. Thank God!!! I am a much more functional person when I have had a full nights sleep. Although at about 6am Mya came into my bed and curled up beside me and fell asleep. I usually wouldn't let her. Usually Colm or I would get up and put her back in her own bed and after a cuddle she was fine but last night she crept in as quiet as a mouse that I didn't even realise she was there until she started snoring.

Other than that we haven't really done very much. Today has been quiet but the weather has been awful so we haven't left the house besides picking Mya up from school.  Now the fire is lit and Sienna is having a nap while Mya watches some Disney movies about puppies and after writing this post I am going to read some more of my book before I have to get up and feed the baby and make dinner - I'm such a housewife this week!!

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