Tuesday 26 March 2013

Chicken Pox and Getting ready for Easter!

I knew this time would come! I have been dreading it for ages but it has finally come........the dreaded chicken pox!!!

Mya was picked up from school about a week and a half ago by her granny (Colms mum) so she could play at her house. It wasn't too long after school when her granny rang. When I saw the name pop up on the phone my first thought was that she forgot to pick Mya up from school. But that wasn't it. Mya was complaining that she had an itchy ear so Colms mum checked it out and found a rather large lump behind Maya's ear so rang me to ask me if I noticed it.

I have to admit I honestly had not noticed it. But she had mentioned the night before that her neck was itchy but I hadn't given it much thought.

I knew straight away what it was without even seeing her and sure enough when Colms mum checked Mya she had spots on her belly and back - chicken pox!

When Mya got home I had the calamine lotion at the ready and plastered her. I know a lot of people will be thinking why had I not noticed but they literally appeared overnight and Mya dresses herself in the morning so I hadn't seen and I didn't notice anything as I brushed her hair!

Thankfully she wasn't ill with it and she was actually not even itchy although I had her plastered in lotion every hour so she might not of had the chance to get itchy. She was miserable though that she had to miss school. Especially as she was in the school choir and had to miss out on the competition between all the local schools. Her school care first without her but she was still gutted to have missed it.

But thankfully after a week and a half she is over them. Every pox has stabbed over and when I rang the doctor he said the lump behind her ear  was just a side effect of the chicken pox and not to worry and because her spots had scanned over she could go back to school.


So As any parent knows, Easter is a very important holiday in a kids life and Mya is no exception! Every year the Easter bunny leaves a mini egg trail around the house which Mya has to follow and the trail leads her to her Easter egg goodies!

This year I want to do something extra special for Mya. Sienna is still too young to really eat chocolate or appreciate the holiday and as Mya has had the chicken pox for the last two weeks I want to treat her.

So I am getting everything Easter related! We have Easter baskets, egg decorating kits, Easter bonnets, Easter flowers, lots and lots of chocolate eggs, banners, pictures to colour in and lots more.

We are going to have an egg and spoon race and a egg decorating contest. I also have a recepie for Easter buns which we can make and colourful pancakes we can make for breakfast on Easter Sunday!

I will upload pics on Sunday of all our fun!

I am also making Easter dinner for all my family so if I dont kill everyone with food poisoning I will let you know how I get on!! Wish me luck?!

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