Friday 29 March 2013

Thrush nightmare!!

I am no expert but when a doctor guarantees that a perscription is going to rid your child of something and it doesn't that usually means the medicine hasn't worked and something else is needed?

Since Christmas Sienna has had thrush around her mouth 4 times! Every time the doctor prescribes Nistain for us and it seems as soon as the perscription is finished there is about four days wait until its visible in her mouth again. And the stuff tastes awful! She just seems to keep spitting it out - which the doctor told me she would do and that so long as she was getting it in her mouth it would be effective, even if it didn't stay in for long.

At first I thought it was because her dummy or bottles weren't being sterilized enough but I bought all new bottles and dummies, threw out the old ones and I even bought a seperate dummy sterilizer. I washed all her toys and sterilised the plastic ones and nothing seems to have worked.

And the main pain is that each time it comes back it seems to be worse than before!! So again I took her to the doctors and again they gave me Nistain. Well I nearly cracked up!! It obviously wasnt working so why did they keep insisting in giving it to me. Colm picked up the perscripyion and it went straight into the bin when he got home. its usless so why even bother with it. The next day I went into the doctors again and seen a different doctor. As soon as i mentioned that she had been given nistain 4 times nd it didnt work she laughed and said "Im not surprises - its crap!". If it was crap why have i been given it so many times? She gave me a different perscription instead. something that actually tastes nice and already today I can see the difference.

Why is it one doctor swears by one method and another doctor swears by another? It's very strange to me!

But thankfully she hasn't been sore with thrush she's still as delightful as always.

I have to admit that when it comes to my kids I have been very lucky. My kids sleep all night and hardly ever cry. They are very happy babies. Thank GOD!!

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